Privacy and Data Policy

#Aiutiamoci PC (the "Site," "we," "us," or "our") wants you to know how we collect and use your information. We work hard to keep your information secure, and we provide you with meaningful choices.

This policy applies to the Site and will disclose and describe our integrated tools and features (discussion forum functions, ad networks, etc.). We do not control and cannot speak for other web sites or apps, even if the Site contains links that connect to those other sites or apps.

Information We Collect and Use

We may collect and combine information when you interact with the Site including:

How We Use the Data We Collect

We are able to deliver, personalize, and improve our Site by using the data we have about your activities and interests.

How We Share Data

We share information provided publicly by users through posts with other platform users so that volunteers can help those in need.

We do not sell, license, or share information that identifies our customers with any other individuals or entities unless we have your consent, or in response to legal process, legal requests, claims that any content violates the rights of third-parties, or as otherwise required by law or for protection of the rights, property, or personal safety of our users or our personnel.

Feedback, Issues

If you have questions, suggestions, or concerns, please complete contact us at:

Corrado Verhoeven
#Aiutiamoci PC